2018 WSSA Snowmobile Expo & Power Sports
What a great and busy weekend it was at the Washington State Snowmobile Association (WSSA) Snowmobile & Power Sports Expo & Swap Meet! This was our 19th year. It went by really fast. We had our display up and running well before it was time for the gates to open. The best part of the Expo was that so many from the public stopped to see our old machines, swap riding stories when they were the hottest and newest sleds on the trails, and voted for their favorite sleds.
This year there was a sort-of friendly grub-match between two of our members. This summer at the last show the top prize had slipped from the top winner. Then in the end the viewing public decided that the reigning king of restorations continues to be Dick Feil with his beautifully restored 1966 Arctic Cat 460D, while a respectable second place showing went to Kevin Hancock for his 1969 Mercury 220E. Thanks to everyone that voted to settle the contest of the best sleds for this year’s shows.
Pictures are available by clicking on to this picture: