Annual Club Get Together and BBBQ
Our Club’s annual Get Together and Ride was a complete success. Special thanks go to the event’s organizers Becky and Greg Byrd, Tim Halvorson, Dick Feil, and all the rest who pitched in to help. Even Mother Nature cooperated. There was an abundance of snow; the day was clear, and temperatures moderate.
We met in the morning to ride our antique, vintage, and classic sleds in the surrounding fields. For several of us it was an opportunity to test the vintage sleds that we plan using the rest of the season at various other events. For others it was to see how well their sleds ran after repairs, or still after sitting through the off season. Around noon the bon fire was lit, and our club’s barbeque served up a wonderful meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, chili and deserts. A small group even spent the following day riding their newer and vintage sleds in the surrounding mountains.
Click on the picture to see pictures of the days events: