Trout Lake Ride 12-2021
We met at Atkisson and Flattop Sno-Parks by Trout Lake, WA for our annual shake down ride. We spend a couple days testing the vintage and modern sleds we plan riding for the season. Two weeks out we didn’t know what the snow conditions were going to be. In the end the temperatures were in the teens, and there were 3-feet of powder! POW as Stephens’s friend calls it. Despite the fantastic conditions the snow the trails proved to be a challenge for both our vintage and modern sleds. The groomer had just started clearing the some of the trails so we rode for miles breaking trails in the soft powder, and cutting or riding over obstacles. We planned a couple destinations that we could not meet because of the seriously deep snow for the vintage sleds, and trees blocking the trails for the modern ones. One thing is for sure this will be one weekend we will be talking about for a while!
Our next event is the weekend of January 15 in the Wenatchee, WA area. We meet for our annual Club Get Together and Ride BBQ event. We have yet to decide if it is at Greg’s or Tim’s. That decision will be made a week or so before the event when we know the snow conditions for that weekend. There is also some discussion to meet up the next day for more sledding in the area, but nothing is decided. Stay tuned.
Click on the photo for more pictures: