Whistlin' Jack Lodge Ride
Our annual overnight trip to Whistlin’ Jack Lodge (WJL) was again a great time. There were six of us. Everyone who went made it home healthy and sound. Of course it would not be a vintage ride if there were not a few of the vintage riding hic-ups. But, it nothing that our master vintage snowmobile riders could not adjust too. All of us made the approximate 67-mile trip to WJL under their on our own power. Coming back was a different story. One of the Olympics ended up with an engine issue. It had to be towed back to Taneum Sno-Park.
Because it was a vintage ride naturally there were other issues. Because of a rusty fuel tank the Scorpion had fuel contamination issues that required multiple fuel filter cleanings, and replacements. Plus there was a mid trip carburetor teardown to clean the gunk out of the needle-valve. But it got there and back, and actually ran really well.
There were a couple club firsts:
- First bogie single cylinder sled to make the round trip under its own power,
- The most fuel filter cleanings, and changes in one trip,
- The longest tow. It was 60-miles from where it stopped to the sno-park
- Fastest tow. They reached speeds over 50 mph.
For pictures please click on the photo to see other pictures on the club’s Google Photos site: