New Past Event - Central Washington Agricultural Museum
Posted08/24/21 at 07:39 PMThe weekend of August 21 – 22 we had our first annual vintage and antique show at the Central Washington Agricultural Museum in Union Gap, WA. The museum is known for its displays of antique farm machinery. The weekend also had tractor and draft-horse pulling contests, a couple antique tractor parades, a grain mowing and thrashing display, antique cars and modifications, mixed in with food vendors, and a swap meet. There also were active vintage apple processing and working Black Smith shop displays. There was a lot going on to see both days.
We had a perfect spot for our show. It was in a shady grassy area at the entrance where most of the displays, and vendor had set up. Our antique and vintage sleds were spread for the public to come up for viewing. As people drifted through they walked through they shared their memories, and stories. That is always the best part of having these shows. Seeing the smiles and sharing old memories from the public.
The members who participated agreed to show again next year. Some of us have started planning bringing sleds that they car ride in the parades. This is a wonderful midsummer event we encourage all of our members will join.
To see photos click on the picture to open a link to the club’s photos page: