Upcoming Shows and Riding Events
Posted03/28/21 at 06:40 PMWe are looking ahead for when the current health restrictions are lifted so we can resume our summer shows and riding events. Below is a tentative schedule of the events in the Washington. These events and dates are not final, so keep an eye on the Upcoming Events Page for updates.
August, 2021 Central Washington Agricultural Museum, Yakima, WA
We asked to display before the museum was closed because of covid-19 with all their events canceled. Recently we heard from the museum’s board of directors. They are meeting in April to decide when to reopen, and what events they will have for this year. We are hoping to be able to display this summer. https://www.centralwaagmuseum.org/default.asp
October 2, 2021 Cool Desert Nights
We were contacted by the West Richland City Council that they are planning to have this event this coming fall. We are still in the process of negotiating a space. Cool Desert Nights features: Car Cruises, Party in the Park, Show 'N Shine, Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, Kids Zone, Judging and Awards, Vendors, Food Trucks & more!
October, 2021 Snowmobile & Power Sports Expo and Swap Meet
This event was an annual event held the third week in October. It is sponsored by the Washington State Snowmobile Association (WSSA). Checking their website they’ve not posted the event for this year’s coming events. We expect if the restrictions are lifted there could be one this fall, but we will have to wait and see.
November 13, 2021 Winter Knights Snowmobile & Power Sports Expo, Spokane, WA
We join a local vintage snowmobile club and group of enthusiast displaying at this annual Power Sports Expo and area for Sale by Owner used snowmobiles and parts. Too see what it is all about go to this website: https://spokanewinterknights.com/snow-atv-show/
January 8, 2022 Club Get Together Ride and BBQ Wenatchee, WA
We’ve done this several years in a row. We plan to do this again this coming year. We gather on a member’s property to ride in their snow covered fields, enjoy time sitting next to a fire, and cook up a barbeque on the clubs Arctic Cat Kitchen Kat. This is a great family event.
January, 2022 Whistlin’ Jack Lodge Ride and Overnight, Cliffdell, WA
This is another of our annual events that was cancelled this year. We leave the Taneum Sno-Park to ride 70-miles to Whistlin’ Jack Lodge where we spend the night before riding back the next day. We usually do this then last weekend in January.
February, 2021 The Last Resort, Ronald, WA
This is another of our annual events. We spend two days at the resort. The first day is a vintage snowmobile show, and timed obstacle course. Then the next day we have a vintage snowmobile ride.
March, 2022 Mt. Baker Shootout, Mount Baker Nat'l Recreation Area Sno-Park, Deming, WA
Two local snowmobile clubs sponsor a one day riding event, new sled displays, and food in the Bellingham area. You ride to a display area on Mt. Baker. They have demonstrations of the latest snowmobiles, and a BBQ.