Update Ponderosa Snow Warriors
Posted03/03/22 at 09:20 AMThe below message is from Tom Mullins:
Ponderosa Snow Warriors put out this announcement last night on their Facebook concerning this weekend's Vintage Rendezvous:
Due to some unusual and extreme weather issues our annual vintage snowmobile show, fun run and time trials are going to have to be rearranged. We are still going forward with the vintage show. However our trails are now not in any shape to hold a Fun Run. We do plan on having an in town "walking" fun run, by walking around to our local bars and drawing your hands there. If and this is a BIG IF we get the cold weather to tighten up the existing snow and we get some fresh we may be able to hold the slalom trials on Sunday with location to be announced at the sled show. We apologize for this but we can't control the weather. We do want to give you as much early notice for you to make the best decision for you.
Thank you for your support and understanding and if you have any questions please give me a call at your convenience at +1 406-475-5786
Forest Mercill Ponderosa Snow Warriors President.